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Homeorganic-farmingHow to grow dragon fruit: Step By Step Guide

How to grow dragon fruit: Step By Step Guide

Introduction: Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya or pitahaya, is a visually stunning and nutritious tropical fruit that is becoming increasingly popular among home gardeners. Cultivating dragon fruit at home is a rewarding experience, and with the right guidance, you can enjoy the exotic taste of this vibrant fruit straight from your garden. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of growing dragon fruit, from selecting the right variety to harvesting your first delicious yield. Dragon fruit plants required less expected rainfall areas. Dragon fruit is beneficial for healthy skin and hair.and often used in jams, ice cream, fruit juice, and wine.

  • Family: Cactaceae
  • Scientific name: Hylocereus Undatus
  • Origin: South America
  • Weight: of draggon 150 to 600 grams.some fruit reach 1 kilogram

Sweet pitayas come in three types


  • Hylocereus undatus has pink-skinned fruit with white flesh.
  • Hylocereus costaricensis has red-skinned fruit with red flesh.
  • Hylocereus megalanthus has yellow-skinned fruit with white flesh.

How to cultivation dragon


There are two methods for Dragon fruit Cultivation plantations.

Take a dragon fruit and you may cut the dragonfruit, and cut it into two pieces. Scoop the black seeds out of the inner flesh and wash the excess pulp off the seeds after that. The seeds may be stored when dried. These seeds can be used for cultivation but it takes longer to grow plant and this method is not suitable for commercial cultivation. dragon fruit seed usually germinates after between 11 and 14 days after shallow planting.

Another method is cutting the stem 20 cm length of the mother dragon plants before two days of a plantation. If you grow dragon fruit from the cuttings of a stem, it could take much less time (depending on how large your cutting is).

Dragon Fruit plants can be cultivated any kind of soil, however, they grow well-drained soils. The plants can grow temperatures up to 40 °C (104 °F) India is a tropical country with a moderate climate all round the year. Dragon fruit adapts well to grow in tropical climates. Dragon fruit is a cactus families requires very less water as compared to other crops/fruits. The dragon fruit can survive without water for a long time. The best-recommended method is Drip irrigation. Dragon fruit normally fruits after 18-24 months after plantation.) A framework of concrete poles is required to raise the dragon fruit plants. The plants flower generally from mid-May to June and bear fruit from August to December and in one acre you can plant 1760 number of plants.The yield per acre is 5-6 tonnes.The market rates for dragon fruit in India is around 200-250 Rs per kg


Pests and diseases


  • some fungi, bacteria, and a virus diseases caused In dragon fruit plant.
  • Overwatering or more rainfall can cause the flowers to drop and fruit to rot.
  • The bacterium Xanthomonas campestris diseases causes the stems to rot.
  • Dothiorella fungi diseases can cause brown spots on the fruit.

Dragonfruit nutritional Health Benefits


The nutritional benefits of dragon fruits contain Phytonutrients, Antioxidants, vitamin C, polyunsaturated fatty acids, Carbohydrates Vitamin B,Carotene,Protein.And health benefits of dragon fruit helps to reduce Cholesterol level,Boosts Brain Function,Boosts up Immunity level,Cures Respiratory Disorders,Provides essential moisture to dry skin,Promotes Healthy Hair,Is Good for dengue Patients,Helps In Weight Management,high fiber and antioxidant content,It’s good for your digestion,Helps prevent and fight cancer,Boost your iron levels,it can help support healthy bones,Good for your digestion.

How much farmer can earn money from Dragon Fruit farming in India?


In Indian market price is around Rs200/ per kg.dragon fruit average yield is 5–6 tonne per acre. Dragon fruit takes 26 months for harvesting from August to December. The rings, cow dung, poles fertilizer in every 4 months, worker cost for pruning and irrigation and netting for shielding the plant from birds are the cost. The recurring cost is Rs 1.00 lac per tonne plus there is a fixed cost of, ring, pole drip irrigation. U can calculate it Rs 25,000/ per first 2-year total income of Rs 4.50 lacs per acre.These fruits are sold in the Indian market at Rs.300 to 400 per kg, but the general Farm can earn approx between Rs. 125 to 200 per kg.



Growing dragon fruit at home is an exciting journey that rewards gardeners with unique and delicious fruits. By following this step-by-step guide, you can establish healthy dragon fruit plants that thrive in your garden. Experiment with different varieties and enjoy the satisfaction of harvesting your own homegrown dragon fruit.





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