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Homeorganic-farmingThe blessed seed of black cumin : black seed oil 

The blessed seed of black cumin : black seed oil 

Black cumin:  A natural remedy for various diseases, Nigella Sativa is widely used in South Asian countries. The seeds have been in use for 2000 years, according to history. Nigella Sativa, Black Cumin Seeds, and Black Seeds are some of the names given to the seeds in South Asian countries. The term Kalonji is also used in India. Because the seeds have cured every disease in Arabic history, they are also called Blessed Seeds.

As an ingredient in different traditional medicines, raw seeds, seeds oil, or extracts of seeds have been used alone or in combination with other medicines. Eczema, cough, headaches, diabetes, asthma, infections, and hypertension are common conditions treated with this combination. Herbal medicine ranks these seeds as the best due to their healing properties. Approximately 30% to 48% of the essential oil contains thymoquinone, which is the bioactive component. Below is a list of black cumin’s benefits :

Black cumin seeds aarug agro
Black cumin seeds aarug agro

The seeds of Nigella are anti-diabetic

Protects the kidneys and prevents kidney stones

Eczema and skin conditions can be treated with this product
Immunity boosting 

The seeds of Nigella are anti-diabetic : Many biomedical experts recommend Nigella Sativa seeds for treating diabetes. Consuming seeds as part of your daily diet will reduce your diabetic risk. As a result of black cumin extract, the body produces more insulin. Diabetes and cholesterol are controlled by the organic black cumin seed oil.


Protects the kidneys and prevents kidney stones : Traditional uses of Nigella seeds include protection from kidney-related issues, particularly kidney stones. Gentamycine kidney toxicity can be effectively treated with black cumin seeds oil. In addition to healing kidney injuries, the seeds’ extract also has antibacterial properties.

Eczema and skin conditions can be treated with this product : Skin problems – such as worms and skin eruptions – can be treated with black cumin seeds oil. It is also useful for treating boils and eczema.

Immunity boosting : Nigella Sativa seeds have been mentioned as great immunity boosters in traditional remedies. When Nigella Sativa seeds are consumed orally, macrophages in the stomach become more effective in attacking invaders. Natural Killer cells are more likely to kill tumor cells when they are exposed to seeds extracts.

Nutritional Values of Black Cumin Seeds:

> A good source of dietary fiber is found in black cumin seeds because of their non-starch polysaccharide component.
> Glucose, rhamnose, xylose, and arabinose are the monosaccharides found in black cumin seeds.
> Fatty acids are abundant in black cumin seeds. Linolenic and Linoleic acid are also included in it, which are mainly unsaturated fatty acids.
> Arginine is found in Black Cumin Seeds. Infants’ growth is influenced by arginine.
> Calcium, iron, sodium, and potassium are all found in the black cumin seed.
> Thiamine, Niacin, and Folic acid are all found in the black cumin seed.






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