Turmeric/Curcuma Farming Guide: We will discuss today the Turmeric Farming Techniques and Planting Methods of turmeric. Due to its many uses and benefits, turmeric is becoming very popular in India. In addition to this, it is in high demand in both domestic and international markets. Your home garden can grow turmeric in pots, containers, or backyards.
We will discuss these topics in this article :
Turmeric plantation
Aarug’s Turmeric Growing Conditions
Turmeric Plantation Soil
Planting Turmeric on Prepared Land
The Best Time to Plant Turmeric
Turmeric crop plant material
Turmeric Crop Irrigation Requirements
Turmeric Crop Rotation
Turmeric Plant Care, Pests, and Diseases
Turmeric Harvesting Techniques
Turmeric Fingers: Curing, boiling, and drying
Turmeric seed preservation
Turmeric yields
Turmeric seed preservation: It is generally a good practice to heap rhizomes under trees or under well-ventilated sheds and cover them with turmeric leaves. A mixture of earth and cow dung is sometimes plastered over the heap. A pit filled with sawdust can also be used to store seed rhizomes. Wooden planks can be installed over the pits to provide aeration.Turmeric yields :
A pure crop yields between 8,000 and 10,000 kilograms per acre. Exceptionally favorable conditions, e.g. generous manuring and copious irrigation can result in 12,000 kg per acre.
BENEFITS OF TURMERIC AND CURCUMIN: The Indian market is one of the largest exporters of turmeric powder and turmeric fingers. Due to its high curcumin content, turmeric helps build a good amount of antibiotics. Curcumin in turmeric reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, metabolic syndrome (stroke or heart disease) and various degenerative conditions.
A household should use turmeric daily for the following 10 proven benefits and natural remedies:
Manages weight loss : Among the spices with anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is one of the most popular. Turmeric tea should be included in our daily diets. It promotes weight loss and digestive health. Blood sugar problems are also managed by it.
Boosts heart health: High cholesterol issues and blood pressure can be controlled with turmeric curcumin. Controlling cholesterol and keeping the heart healthy are two of its benefits. Blockages in the heart are reduced by it.
Immune system is strengthened : Medically proven superpower spices include turmeric. In addition to building immunity, it reduces the risk of viral infections. Corona-virus symptoms can also be reduced with turmeric.
Reduces the signs of aging : The use of turmeric powder for beauty treatments is also well known. Reduces sunblock’s skin problems and anti-ageing problems. Turmeric extract is used in many cosmetics products.
Anti-cancer properties: Taking turmeric curcumin anti-cancer treatment can help you recover from cancer. Most cancers are skin cancers, stomach cancers, and breast cancers. Curcumin helps to kill cancer-fighting bacteria and reduce the level of infection due to its high curcumin content.
Pain caused by arthritis can be relieved by turmeric finger : It is effective in reducing arthritis pain when applied to the finger and powder of turmeric. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it reduces pain and swelling. It contains 95% curcumin.
Reduces scarring : The FDA has approved turmeric powder for its many health benefits. Scars from burns, accidents, and infections can be healed with it.
Reducing depression is one of its benefits :Turmeric has been reported to help reduce depression in scientific studies. Most doctors recommend consumption of at least 12.5 to 1.5 teaspoons per day. Stress is reduced and happy hormones are boosted.
Reduces blood sugar levels : Many people suffer from hypertension or blood sugar diseases because of a busy lifestyle and a poor diet. Brain disease and cardiac arrest are also associated with it.