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How to Start Sheep Farming in Mexico: Requirements, Business Plan, Setup Cost, Subsidy, and Loans

Sheep Farming in Mexico: In Mexico, sheep ranching is becoming more productive and profitable. Mexican rural communities benefit financially from sheep farming, which also contributes to preserving the fragile ecological balance of the nation.


How to Start Sheep Farming in Mexico

Creating a Good House for Sheep

You must offer a home to safeguard sheep from poor climatic settings and avoid numerous illnesses. You must also build them a separate, adequate home. Their home must be orderly, spotless, dry, and have enough light and air. Their home should have a suitable drainage system that can keep it clean. Sheep may live in a variety of housing styles. Although metal, pole, and conventional barn structures are costly, they safeguard the sheep farm, the feed, and the machinery.

Read More: How to Start Sheep Farming in Mexico: Requirements, Business Plan, Setup Cost, Subsidy, and Loans

Advantages of Mexican Sheep Raising


  • One of the best nations in the globe for sheep farming is Mexico. Sheep farming has a lengthy tradition in the nation, and Mexico is home to many of the states that practise it. Both sheep ranches and sheep herding businesses are widely spread throughout Mexico.
  • Mexico has many fertile land regions for sheep husbandry and a temperature that is favourable for raising sheep.
  • Sheep can survive in both hot and frigid climates, making them a good fit for the topography and temperature of Mexico.
  • Wool from sheep can be used to make garments, blankets, and other fabrics.
  • Sheep herding is sustainable because it requires little in the way of resources and generates little trash or pollution.
  • Sheep can be fed, housed, and given natural care by shepherds who have intimate relationships with them.


Sheep Farming
                            Sheep Farming

Is Sheep Farming Profitable in Mexico?

Mexico has long engaged in the agrarian practise of sheep herding. There are a lot of sheep in the nation, both of which are raised for flesh and for their fleece. Unlike wool sheep, which are grown for their wool, meat sheep are bred for their meat. With more than 50% of the overall output value going to wool, it is the most significant segment of livestock in Mexico

Sheep Farming Areas in Mexico

Mexico’s rugged Baja California and Chihuahua states, which have large rangelands and favourable weather conditions, are where most sheep are raised.
Additionally, these regions are near to important ports and marketplaces where sheep can be transported alive or processed for their fleece.

The world’s biggest producer of livestock is Mexico. An estimated 10 million sheep are kept in Mexico, the majority of which are kept on modest, family-run ranches. The major regions where sheep are raised in Mexico are Chihuahua, Durango, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacan, Nayarit, and Puebla.


Sheep Breeds Available in Mexico

One of the major producers of livestock worldwide is México. Numerous breeds of sheep can be found in the nation, which has a lengthy tradition of sheep herding. Merino sheep make up nearly 60% of all sheep in Mexico, making them the most prevalent variety. The Corzo, Alpaca, Churro, Alpaca, Quebracho, Pelibüey, and Chicharrón are additional famous sheep varieties in Mexico.

Zero Grazing Sheep Farming in Mexico

One of the major producers of livestock worldwide is México. Numerous breeds of sheep can be found in the nation, which has a lengthy tradition of sheep herding. Merino sheep make up nearly 60% of all sheep in Mexico, making them the most prevalent variety. The Corzo, Alpaca, Churro, Alpaca, Quebracho, Pelibüey, and Chicharrón are additional famous sheep varieties in Mexico.


Sheep Feeding
                              Sheep Feeding

Sheep Feeding Management in Mexico


Management of the sheep’s diet is crucial for both sheep product makers and customers. Producers must make sure their herd receives enough food to meet their nutritional requirements while maintaining the output of fibre and flesh. To guarantee that the animals they ingest were reared humanely, consumers want high-quality lamb and mutton goods. The typical administration techniques in Mexico for feeding livestock are;

Grazing : In Mexico, a lot of ranchers let their livestock graze on open fields. The animals can consume fresh foliage thanks to this method, keeping them in good health and providing them with plenty of exercise.

Concentrate feeding : Some farms provide their livestock with food in granaries or feed yards where they have constant access to it throughout the day. This practise keeps calves healthy and lessens their tension.

Mixed grazing/concentrate feeding : A third method employs combined grazing/concentrate feeding methods, in which some portions of the range are supplied through a feed yard and others are grazed as open ranges. As a result, resources can be used effectively while still meeting the dietary requirements of sheep.

Tips for Taking Care of a Sheep Farm

Allow each animal enough room to roam (at least half an acre for each ewe) to prevent crowding and stress.

Kindly give them plenty of fodder every day and fresh water every night.

Keep their pens tidy and clear of waste, blow any manure from nearby properties away before it rains, and manage ill or wounded animals carefully to prevent the spread of disease.

Cost to Start a Sheep Farm in Mexico

It is essential to budget for a number of upfront costs, such as buying property, building barns, and other necessities. For caring for the livestock and giving them food and water, there are usually regular fees as well. In Mexico, the expense to start a sheep property can range between $10,000 and $30,000.

Different Methods to Start Sheep Farming in Mexico


Lambs and young calves are raised by large-scale farmers on feedlots before being taken to be shorn.

Smaller farmers pasture their animals and shear their cattle when the time is right.

About 30% of all domestic wool production is produced through shearing, which is a significant sector of the Mexican wool business.

How to Write a Business Strategy for Sheep Farming in Mexico

1. Making an appropriate sheep and goat farming business strategy based on your budget would be beneficial. Additionally, a financial analysis, a marketing plan, and cash revenue are all required in your sheep farming business plan.

2. In order to farm sheep, an appropriate location must be selected. Sheep need access to freshwater sources, enough green food, the right medications, and conveyance.You need to take good care of your sheep and give them the amenities they need.

3. You must buy land big enough to house the quantity of sheep you intend to keep in order to establish a sheep farm in Mexico. Since poisonous plants or animals can damage sheep, the area should be clear of them. Additionally, you’ll need to purchase fencing and feed for the livestock.

4. Establish a budget for the equipment, land, and other required costs after calculating your initial investment. Include all expenses related to operating a sheep farm, such as those for feed, veterinary care, labour, marketing supplies, and taxes.


5. Set long-term objectives for your farm and determine how to accomplish them through successful marketing plans and operational strategies.

6. Based on factors like climate, soil quality, infrastructure accessibility, and people density, choose the area where your farm will be located. Use maps and other resources to assess these factors before reaching a decision.

7.You can save money by sourcing materials locally when you start a sheep farm. If you would like to sell your products to local farmers who raise sheep, you should contact them.

8.The next step after you have identified your target market and developed a marketing plan is creating a website that showcases your products and services. You can reach potential customers online using Google Adwords or Facebook Ads.

9. It’s time to get started on your Sheep Farming Business in Mexico as soon as you’ve purchased the land and supplies. Choosing the right breeds for your climate and soil, as well as training your ewes to be self-sufficient, are all steps you need to take to produce a successful breeding program for your sheep.

10. Manage the farm day-to-day, while you focus on strategic planning and market development. Hire a qualified management team. Your farm business will benefit from the assistance of individuals with experience in both sheep farming and related fields.

11. It’s time to raise the lambs as soon as your ewes have been successfully bred and trained. At six weeks old, lambs must be weaned and cared for until they are sold as lambs for producing wool.


 Sheep Farming
                             Sheep Farming

Key Rules to Start Sheep Farming in Mexico

Choose the appropriate climate: Mexico’s high elevation and tropical temperature are ideal for keeping sheep, but do your homework on the area you’ll be living in before you go there.

Study up on livestock husbandry: Learn the fundamentals of lambing, weaning, and shearing your sheep so you can properly manage their care.

Get prepared : Before starting production, plan the layout of your farm and make sure that all of the required materials and equipment are available.

Protect your flock from predators and disease: Install predator guards and a successful animal health management programme to maintain the health of your flock and produce wool of the highest calibre.

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How is Mexican sheep farming profitable?

Agricultural activities such as sheep farming are highly profitable in Mexico. Domestically and internationally, lamb is in high demand. Furthermore, Mexican lambs produce a lot of milk and meat, making them a good choice for export markets. The sale of wool can also generate a good income for farmers.

Types of sheep farming in Mexico

Range of freedom: In this type of sheep farming, the animals are allowed to roam freely outdoors, where they can eat a variety of natural feed sources and access fresh water. The farmer must be constant vigilance to ensure that sheep aren’t trampled or lost when doing this type of farming, however.

Pasture-based: The sheep are maintained on expansive fields in this type of farming so they can graze on hay and other pasture-based feed. The farmer only needs to keep an eye out for overgrazing and occasionally adjust the grazing schedule, making this method simpler to manage than free-range farming.

Sheep barn: The sheep are confined indoors in pens while being sheared on a farm built in the Sheep Barn style. (or have their wool trimmed). Since there is no need for hay storage or delivery, this method is more effective than pasture-based systems. However, the farmer must take more caution with it. (who must monitor the temperature, ventilation, and enclosure conditions).

Loans and Subsidies for Sheep Farming in Mexico

1. The Mexican government has created a number of initiatives to advance sheep herding there. These programs include financing equipment acquisitions, assisting farmers with land investments, and creating product distribution channels.

2. Recently, the Mexican government offered loans and subsidies to farmers to help them establish and expand sheep farms. The demand for sheep meat is high in Mexico primarily due to the country’s big population of individuals who are allergic to wool products.

3. The government offers fixed-interest loans to farms, which can be repaid over time with interest. Additionally, the government gives the farm compensation for every lamb it produces. These payments may amount to as much as 30% of the cost of the meat. This makes beginning and expanding a sheep farm more affordable and motivates farmers to raise more lambs than they otherwise would if they were raising them for the purpose of selling meat.

4. The number of sheep farms in Mexico is already in the thousands, and the business is expanding quickly.

Mexican Sheep Farming Challenges


  1. The first difficulty is getting to pastureland. In Mexico, large estates or governmental organizations own the majority of the property used for grazing. As a result, farmers are unable to raise sheep on a large basis.
  2. The second problem is a lack of water. Water is essential to shepherds for drinking, washing their livestock, and irrigating their crops. Due to this, many Mexican farms have had to come up with creative methods for gathering rainwater and using it for irrigation.
  3. The third issue is parasites and illnesses. Shepherds must avoid spreading diseases to the flock because they depend on their livestock for food and money. Because they can result in substantial losses in the populations of livestock, parasites can also be a significant issue for sheep farmers.
  4. Finding sufficient feed to satisfy domestic and international market demand is the next challenge confronting Mexican sheep farmers. Increased funding for agricultural production centers and improved accessibility to transportation networks will be necessary to meet this challenge.

    Sheep farming
                             Sheep farming



In Mexico, raising sheep has been a way of life for generations. Sheep are adaptable creatures that can produce both fleece and meat. They also offer farmers a valuable form of income and are generally simple to maintain. A company that breeds sheep is called a sheep farm. A barn, pastures, and feeders are among the extensive equipment and land requirements. Additionally, the company requires a supply of fresh water for the livestock.






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