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How to Start Sheep Farming in Israel: Business Strategy, Important Regulations, Breeds, Cost, and Profit

Sheep Farming in Israel: Israel’s wool industry is thriving, and the country has become the world’s leading producer of wool. This achievement is the result of the quality of the wool produced by Israeli sheep, which is highly sought after by many. The industry provides numerous employment opportunities and contributes significantly to the country’s economy.

Sheep Farming in Israel:

Israel’s sheep industry is also a significant contributor to the country’s agricultural sector. The country produces over 1.5 million lambs and 2.5 million breeding ewes annually, making it one of the world’s leading sheep-producing countries. The success of the industry is largely due to the high-quality sheep reared in Israel, which are in demand globally.

The quality of Israeli sheep is one of the key factors behind the success of the wool and sheep industries in the country. Israeli sheep are bred and raised under carefully controlled conditions, ensuring that they produce high-quality wool and meat. This attention to detail has earned Israeli sheep an excellent reputation worldwide, making them a popular choice among farmers and wool buyers alike.

How to begin sheep herding in Israel

Sheep farming importance in Israel

One of the top sheep-producing nations in the globe is Israel.Sheep farming has a long history in the nation and is still a significant business. Israel is a fantastic location for sheep farming for a variety of factors.

Israel has a large amount of territory, to start.For instance, Israel has more territory than Germany, the second-largest producer of sheep in the world, combined.Farmers can raise a large number of livestock due to the ample land supply.

Second, Israel experiences warm temperatures all year long.This means that even during the coldest months, farmers can grow sheep.

Last but not least, sheep farming is a speciality of Israeli producers. They have mastered particular methods that enable them to create wool products of the highest calibre.

sheep farming

How does sheep farming help the business in Israel?

There are several ways that sheep farming helps Israel’s income. The first benefit is that it gives farmers and other professionals in connected industries jobs. In addition, a sizable portion of Israel’s GDP is contributed by the manufacturing of wool. Additionally, sheep farming helps to preserve the nation’s environment and promotes rural development. Over 120,000 sheep farmers who grow sheep for meat or fibre can be found in Israel. More than 17,000 employees in the sector are employed directly, and 40,000 more are employed in related sectors.

sheep farming

The proper fencing to keep sheep safe

Many different breeds of sheep can be grown on a farm in Israel, where sheep farming is a common practise. Sheep are primarily raised for their fleece, which is used to make fabrics and yarn. A essential step in farming is shearing the sheep, which is typically done once a year.

Is sheep herding in Israel profitable?

Israel is a prosperous country for sheep husbandry. The country’s varied environment permits the growth of a wide range of crops, enabling the production of meat, milk, wool, and other products from sheep. Sheep farming has many advantages, not to mention that it provides many jobs in associated fields.

The management of the animals’ grazing schedules, for instance, falls under the purview of shepherds and farmers who run sheep ranches. For this, tools like fences, mowers, and hay carts are required. Additionally, in order to transport the livestock to markets, buyers who acquire sheep from farmers need transportation. People in a variety of professions are thus employed by the sector.

Zero grazing sheep farming in Israel

Sheep husbandry is one of the many agricultural products that Israel is well-known for. Over a third of the sheep in the globe are produced in Israel. The majority of these sheep are grown on farms with zero grazing, allowing the animals to forage freely in their natural habitat. The advantages of zero grazing are obvious: because the sheep don’t have to focus on locating food, they are healthier and have more meat on their bones. They also produce less waste and noise than sheep raised intensively, which helps lessen the effect on the environment.

Diseases and parasites affecting sheep

In Israel, sheep herding plays a significant role in the nation’s agricultural industry.Sheep are essential to Israeli farms because they provide both meat and wool. Sheep are susceptible to a number of illnesses and parasites, but the majority of issues can be avoided by taking the necessary measures. Foot-and-mouth disease is one typical illness that impacts sheep (FMD). When this virus affects an animal’s eyes, respiratory system, or intestines, it frequently results in mortality.

Farmers must take appropriate measures during the breeding season, when the virus is spread through saliva and faeces, to avoid FMD outbreaks. When working with animals that have the FMD, farmers must wear protective apparel and boots. Cattle are also susceptible to other illnesses like listeriosis and coccidiosis. Sheep’s intestines are impacted by the parasitic illness known as coccididiosis.

Israeli Sheep

If it is not treated right away, young lambs may become lame and even die. A bacterial illness called listeriosis kills large numbers of livestock populations by causing fever, muscular aches, appetite loss, diarrhoea, and other symptoms. Farmers must take precautions to avoid both infections by routinely cleaning and correctly disinfecting their tools.

Sheep breeds available in Israel

In Israel, there are numerous sheep varieties. The Awassi, Nubian, and Assaf sheep are the most prevalent breeds, followed by Saanen and Shorthorn sheep. The Merino, Shorthorn, and Welsh Corgi are the three most popular varieties, though. Israeli farmers have actively marketed a new breed of sheep called the Nubian in recent years due to its high wool production and pest and disease resistance.

Sheep feeding procedures

In sheep farming, feeding sheep is a crucial job. Hay, straw, and clean water are essential components of a nutritious diet for sheep. Because it aids in the development of their sturdy wool coats, hay is the most crucial component of their nutrition. Israel’s sheep farmers feed their flocks with a wide variety of various feeds. Their primary feeds are typically grass, straw, and pellets. A sheep’s diet must include hay because it aids in the development of their thick woollen coverings. For the sheep, pellets are an excellent source of nutrients.

Tips for raising healthy sheep

Few locations in the world have a closer bond between shepherding and the land than Israel does. Sheep farming on small, rural farms has a long history thanks to the distinctive topography and climate of the nation. Today, this activity makes up more than a third of farming output in Israel, making it a crucial component of the country’s economy.

Farmers must closely monitor their sheep’s food and environment to maintain their health. In addition to making sure their flock has enough food and water, shepherds must continuously watch out for symptoms of disease or signs of predators. In addition, they need to keep the fields tidy and get rid of any dangerous weeds or bugs.

Although keeping sheep healthy can be difficult, Israeli producers are well-equipped to manage it. They understand how to give their sheep the best possible environment while still assuring their livelihoods because of their close relationship with the land and years of experience.

Types of sheep herding in Israel

Sheep are grown on small farms under the most prevalent form of agriculture, which is semi-natural or intensive. This kind of farming is typically practised in regions with favourable climates and rich land.

Natural grazing, in which the sheep are allowed to graze freely on wide-open areas, is the second kind of sheep farming. In regions with a desert climate, this form of farming is common.

Finally, there is organised ranching, in which producers keep sizable flocks of sheep and give them food, water, and shelter.


sheep farming in Israel
Commercial sheep farming in Israel

Thousands of individuals are employed in Israel’s significant sheep farming industry.Israel’s sheep farming sector, however, is split between business and hobbyist operations.While lamb is the only animal raised solely in hobby sheep farming, commercial sheep farming raises sheep for their wool, meat, and milk products.

How to establish a business plan for sheep farming in Israel

  • The Israeli Ministry of Agriculture must grant you permission before you can establish a sheep farm there. Land must be purchased, and livestock must have enclosures built.
  • You must buy property and construct a barn after receiving your farm permit. Additional supplies and tools, as well as different sheep breeds, must be purchased. It’s time to commence your farming business plan once you have the required materials.
  • You need a business plan outlining your objectives and aims if you want to start sheep farming in Israel.
  • Next, decide what livestock you want to produce after researching the market for sheep farming in Israel.
  • You must also decide the resources you will need, such as land, fencing, and feed supplies, to launch your sheep farming enterprise in Israel.
  • Create a marketing strategy to help advertise your sheep herding operation in Israel once you have determined all of your resources.
  • Last but not least, make sure you are ready for the difficulties and possible stumbling blocks of starting a sheep farming enterprise in Israel.

Basic guidelines for beginning sheep herding in Israel

  • Due to the country’s warm summers and mild winters, the environment is ideal for sheep farming. Furthermore, Israel’s farmlands are fertile, giving the resources needed to raise healthy lambs.
  • Before trying to raise more sheep, make sure your flock is established. They’ll need enough food, water, a safe place to stay, and protection.
  • Israel’s farmland benefits from efficient irrigation, which boosts agricultural yields. The agricultural production of Israeli sheep farms is also heavily reliant on rainfall and other natural resources because the nation imports very little feed for its sheep.
  • A permission from the Israeli government is required. Finding land that is appropriate for sheep farming is the next step. Installing appropriate fencing and irrigation devices is the last step.


Agricultural financing for sheep in Israel

In Israel, sheep herding is a common form of agriculture. The cost of lamb is expensive when compared to other meats, and the nation has a variety of climates that are ideal for raising sheep. As a result, those looking to establish a farm can choose from a number of sheep farming loans in Israel. These funds can be used to buy supplies, machinery, and other necessities.

These loans also typically have low interest rates, making them an affordable choice for people seeking to start a sheep farm. Rotational grazing is a common practise among Israeli farmers for feeding livestock. The sheep can graze frequently thanks to this system, which enables them to consume a broad range of plants and grasses.

Sheep farming


Sheep farming set up cost in Israel

The expense to establish a sheep farm in Israel ranges from NIS 1,000 to NIS 2,500, according to the Israel Agriculture Ministry. This entails buying property, constructing a fence and stock pens, as well as making feed and medication purchases. Farmers might also need to invest in additional machinery, such as shearing machines and barns, depending on the number of the flock.

Sheep farming challenges in Israel

In Israel, raising sheep presents a number of difficulties, the most important of which is a dearth of suitable land. However, Israel’s favourable temperature and rich soil are just two of the benefits of raising sheep there. Lack of territory appropriate for grazing, competition from other livestock producers (primarily those who raise cattle and goats), and pest/disease issues are the major difficulties faced by sheep farmers in Israel.

Israeli cattle are particularly susceptible to foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), listeriosis, and scrapie. Additionally, the woolly coats of Israeli sheep make them vulnerable to the cold, which can cause pneumonia and even mortality. Despite these difficulties, Israeli sheep producers continue to work towards success by developing cutting-edge farming methods and embracing contemporary technology.

For instance, they use computers to keep track of lamb births and deaths, GPS devices to follow flock movements, and satellite images to monitor pasture conditions. For many farmers in Israel, raising sheep is a significant source of revenue. However, given the hostile environment of the nation, it can be difficult. There are numerous organisations available to assist farmers with their sheep farming, providing them with everything from financial support in times of need to guidance on how to care for their flock.

Sheep farming states in Israel

For beginners, sheep farming is a common pastime in Israel. With its moderate temps and plentiful rainfall, the climate is ideal for raising sheep. In Israel, sheep can be raised in a variety of locations, including the Galilee, the Carmel Mountains, and the Judean Hills.


In Israel, sheep farming has been practised for many years and is still vital to the country’s agricultural industry. The nation has a long heritage of sheep farming and is still a major exporter of goods made of wool. Sheep farming is therefore a significant business in Israel. Sheep farming has a lengthy history in the nation and is still a significant industry today.




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