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Homeorganic-farmingWhat is Urban Farming in India? – Types, Process and Benefits

What is Urban Farming in India? – Types, Process and Benefits

Urban Farming: Farming in urban areas contributes to the production of a large amount of food. In addition, people are reconnecting with agribusiness by developing their own food and visiting farmers’ business sectors in and around urban areas because of the new cultivation technologies. In this way, networks are quickly formed and possibly sustained, and financial doors are opened. Therefore, urban agriculture has been popular for quite a while.

Currently, urban agriculture occurs in a wide range of structures, including local areas and gardens, roof and gallery cultivation, filling in vacant parcels, and preventing run-down development.


Exactly what is urban farming?


The majority of crops grown in Urban Farming India are fruits, vegetables, and other food crops. Subsistence farming, urban gardening, or homesteading are sometimes confused with urban farming. In different ways, it contributes to the economy, to individuals, and to communities. Urban farming provides fresh fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods. Furthermore, it contributes to the growth of small businesses and income generation. Fresh food is made more affordable through urban agriculture. Thus, it has become a necessary part of society and is slightly trending.

From production to distribution, it benefits society. Urban agriculture has different benefits depending on its type. These are institutions, individuals, educational institutions, and non-profits and for-profits. Commitment and planning are essential to successful urban farming. Urban agriculture faces significant challenges due to pollution and space, but developing new farming technologies and strategies motivates them. However, urban farmers can easily supply fresh produce to supermarkets and restaurants within a short period of time.

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Agricultural Factors in Urban Areas

There are four factors that affect urban farming. Here is what you need to know.
  • Techniques and technologies

  • The environment

  • The economy

  • The society


The Smart City Mission: Urban Farming


Many Indian cities, such as Delhi, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata, practice urban farming. Waste water is commonly used in urban and periurban farming in cities such as Hyderabad, Delhi, Ahmedabad and Chennai. Public health reasons, however, prevent the use of untreated waste water for irrigation. Although untreated domestic waste water contains nitrates, yields are higher when irrigated with it.

There are 10 types of urban farming

Are you interested in learning more about Urban Agriculture? You can earn a lot of money by doing urban farming, which we explain here. Check out the video below.

1. Backyard Gardens


Backyard Garden farming involves growing food on the property of the house. When there is surplus food in the harvest, neighbors, friends, and family share it. Furthermore, it can be preserved and stored. In addition to inventing new farming methods, backyard farming helps increase production.

2. Street Landscaping

This type of urban farming produces grass, landscaping, street trees, vegetation, and other materials in the streets of the society. Landscaped streets provide food to the community and enhance the beauty of the area. Due to the fact that they are grown on the streets, they also create a clean environment and purify the air, which helps reduce urban stormwater runoff.

3. Vertical Farms

Crops are grown vertically by stacking them vertically. A controlled environment is also provided for farming. Crop growth is optimized through vertical farming. Aquaponics, aeroponics, and hydroponics are soilless farming techniques. Urban farming techniques include all of these.

4. Forest Gardening

Gardening in the urban forest is known as forest gardening. Crops of different types are grown in this type. Urban agriculture produces vegetables and fruits. It is possible to grow crops in the forest thanks to its favorable environment. Moreover, it is important for urban areas to combat global warming through afforestation.

5. Rooftop Gardens

The garden is located on the roof of a building. Gardening on rooftops provides a variety of benefits, including temperature control, architectural enhancement, wildlife corridors, habitats, and recreational opportunities. The most important benefit of rooftop gardens is that they provide food. Urban farming has become increasingly popular in recent years.

6. Green Walls

A green wall is a vertical structure covered with fruits and vegetables. In addition to hydroculture, soil, and substitute substrate, there are vertically applied growth mediums. As well as using soil from the wall, this type of urban farming is also known to be carried out in a limited space.

7. Urban Beekeeping

Urban beekeeping is the practice of keeping bee colonies in urban areas. It is also known as hobby beekeeping. Furthermore, bees from the city are said to be healthier and more productive.

8. Greenhouse

It involves growing crops and vegetables in greenhouses. With greenhouse farming, farmers can increase their yield and performance while improving the quality of their products. As well as preventing external threats, like pests and extreme weather, pants are also protected from them. Urban greenhouse farming includes agriculture in commercial, residential, and communal spaces. Urban farms can also benefit from greenhouse farming.

9. Aquaponics

Producing food is what it is. Fish are raised in tanks in aquaponics. Aside from growing fish in these tanks, plants also grow there, and the waste from the fish is used to fertilize them. Plants do this by keeping the water clean. A good protein alternative and crop harvesting method.


10. Animal Husbandry

Animal husbandry involves the management, cultivation, and production of domestic animals. The breeding of animals also contributes to the improvement of qualities. The raising of animals for the purpose of producing meat, milk, fiber, eggs, or other products. Raising rabbits, goats, sheep, poultries, and other animals is the most popular type of farming.

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Crops grown in urban agriculture

Urban farming’s major crops are shown here. Take a look at what’s below.

  • Avocados

  • Strawberries

  • Carrots

  • Cucumbers

  • Green beans

  • Salad greens

  • Garlic greens

  • Peas

  • Jalapeno peppers

  • Radishes and many more.

Getting Started With Urban Farming?

To start an urban farming business, you must follow some steps properly in order to succeed. Check out the steps below for more information.

  • The first step is to go out and talk to people about urban farming.

  • In order to cultivate or farm in an urban environment, you must find an appropriate location. It is important that the area is suitable.

  • You must fix your budget first.

  • Then plan the urban agriculture schedule.

  • Using your backyard, street, or any other place you choose, you can start farming.

  • For a high yield, the work is not yet finished. You must continue to innovate or be creative. You can harvest your own fruit or vegetables by working hard.

  • A final and crucial step is to stay updated on farming.

What are the benefits of urban farming?

The benefits of urban farming in India can be found below.

  • Useful for the economy

  • Advantages of socialization

  • Aspects of culture

  • Benefits of nutrition

  • Health Benefits of Food

  • Building skills

  • Benefits of job training

  • Benefits for the environment

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What are The Disadvantages of Urban Farming?


  • The scarcity of space

  • Governing reservation

  • The initial reaction is discouraging

  • New soil is needed

  • Inexperience and ignorance

  • Scarcity of water

  • Defecation

  • Agrochemicals

FAQs :-


Que. How profitable is urban farming? 

Ans. The benefits of urban farming include fresh air in metropolitan areas and delicious organic fruits and vegetables.

Que. How can urban farming be demonstrated?

Ans. Urban farming is popular with microgreens and edible mushrooms.

Que. Are urban farms able to help communities in any way?

Ans. As well as providing fresh air, fruit and vegetables, urban farming contributes to the community’s sustainability.








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