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Homeorganic-farmingHow To Grow Peas At Home From Seeds

How To Grow Peas At Home From Seeds

Peas are multi-nutritious vegetables that are like little green treasures with amazing taste. These little peas not only add flavor to your food, but they are also fun to grow peas in your garden. Imagine picking your own crisp and sweet green peas straight from your home garden! In this guide, we’ll discuss how to grow peas at home in pots, from tiny seeds to delicious pods. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or just starting, join us to enjoy growing peas from seed and planting your patch of green goodness. Let’s try the taste of homegrown peas and watch your home garden bloom with this vibrant and delicious mix!

Step-by-Step Guide To Planting, Growing, And Harvesting Peas

Planting or growing peas at home from seeds is not only rewarding but also a relatively straightforward process. Let’s explore the steps to growing peas from seeds at home.

1) Materials You Will Need to Grow Peas At Home

  • High-Quality Pea Seeds
  • Grow bags or Pots
  • Best Quality potting soil mix
  • Support structures (such as stakes or trellises)
  • Organic Fertilizers
  • Watering can or Spray Bottle
  • Gardening tools (trowel, gloves, etc.)

2) Choosing the Best Pea Varieties

There are three popular varieties of peas in India which include green peas, sugar snap peas, and snow peas. You can choose your favorite variety based on their taste and growing conditions. You can buy the best quality pea seeds with a high germination rate at an affordable price at .

3) Peas Growing Season in India

Peas grow best in cool weather. In India, the ideal time for planting peas from seeds is during the winter months, from October to February.

4) Best-Size Grow Bags or Pots For Growing Peas

The fourth step to growing peas from seeds is to select containers at least 12 inches deep and wide for healthy root development. You can choose from these grow bags or pot sizes to grow peas at home:

12 x 12 Inch (W*H)
15 x 12 Inch (W*H)
15 x 15 Inch (W*H)

5) Choosing The Right Soil Potting Mix


Peas grow best in slightly acidic to neutral soils with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.0. Choose well-drained soil rich in organic matter to plant peas. Apart from this, you can also use ready-to-use potting soil mixture to grow peas in pots.

6) Planting Peas From Seeds

  • Sow pea seeds directly into the final pots instead of transplanting, spacing them about 2-4 inches apart.
  • Sow pea seeds at a depth of 1 to 1.5 inches in the soil.
  • After sowing the seeds, water them deeply and keep the pots or containers in a sunny place.

7) Germination Of Peas Seeds

  • Pea seeds will germinate within 7 to 14 days.
  • Keep the soil consistently moist until germination occurs.

8) Fertilizer For Peas Plants

  • Peas require fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium such as Organic Rock Phosphate Fertilizer, PROM-Phosphorus Rich Organic Manure, or organic potash fertilizer.
  • Do not use a fertilizer high in nitrogen as this will encourage foliage growth instead of flowers or pods.
  • When peas start blooming, apply any liquid organic fertilizer (like tea manure) every week.

9) Care And Maintenance For Peas


Watering: Pea plants don’t require a lot of water, so keep the soil moist and water when the soil feels dry, especially during flowering and pod formation.

Sunlight: Peas thrive in full sunlight, so place the pots in a location where they will receive 6 hours of sunlight daily.

Growing Temperature: 10-30°C is the best-growing temperature for pea plants.

Support: As the pea plants grow, provide a supporting structure such as a trellis, poles, pipes, bamboo, rope, or wire.

Pests and Disease: Pea aphids, caterpillars, pea pod borer, and maggots are the common pests found in peas. Downy mildew, powdery mildew, and root rot fungi make foliage yellowed, stunted, and wilted. Use organic pesticides such as neem oil to avoid these insects and pests.

10) Harvesting Of Peas

  • Within 60-80 days peas will be ready to harvest.
  • Harvest peas when the pods are filled but still delicate.
  • Use sharp scissors or pinch the pods off the plant to avoid damaging the vines.

Hope you liked the post on how to grow peas at home directly in the garden or in pots. By following these steps for growing or planting peas from seed and providing proper care, you can enjoy a bumper crop of fresh, homegrown peas – perfect for adding crunchy flavor to your meals!






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